Cord blood cardiac troponin I, fetal Doppler velocimetry, and acid base status at birth. | Semantic Scholar (2025)

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@article{Alexandre2008CordBC, title={Cord blood cardiac troponin I, fetal Doppler velocimetry, and acid base status at birth.}, author={Sandra Maria Alexandre and V{\^a}nia D’Almeida and Ruth Guinsburg and Mary Uchiyama Nakamura and S{\'e}rgio Tufik and Antonio Fernandes Moron}, journal={International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics}, year={2008}, volume={100 2}, pages={ 136-40 }, url={}}
  • S. M. Alexandre, V. D’Almeida, A. Moron
  • Published in International journal of… 1 December 2008
  • Medicine
  • International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Centralization and birth acidemia are associated with detectable cTnI in cord blood supporting the possibility of myocardial ischemia in these fetuses.

6 Citations

Background Citations


Results Citations


6 Citations

Biochemical markers of neonatal myocardial dysfunction
    C. AlmeidaM. Carrapato Luis Marinho


  • 2011

The initial rise and subsequent fall of NT-proBNP represents the physiological ventricular overload of transient birth adaptation, and CK-MB, mostly of muscle origin and reflecting labor stress or injury, is not to recommend as a measure of myocardial damage in the neonate.

    Mostafa M. ZaitounA. IsmailDahlia O. ELHaiegBassem Talaat


  • 2015

Ductus venosus pulsatility index of veins (DV PIV) was significantly related to high cord troponin (cTnT) concentrations at delivery.

Troponins, heat shock proteins and glycogen phosphorylase BB in umbilical cord blood of complicated pregnancies
    A. MrkaićB. RosennI. StojanovicSamir Tivari


  • 2017

GP-BB and cTNI are the most sensitive markers for PIH-related fetal myocyte injury as is Hsp70 in pregnancies complicated by GDM.

  • 1
Fetal growth restriction: current knowledge
    L. NardozzaA. C. Caetano E. Araújo Júnior


    Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

  • 2017

Early diagnosis of FGR is very important, because it enables the identification of the etiology of the condition and adequate monitoring of the fetal status, thereby minimizing risks of premature birth and intrauterine hypoxia.

  • 429
Fetal growth restriction: current knowledge to the general Obs/Gyn
    L. NardozzaE. Araújo JúniorM. M. BarbosaA. C. CaetanoD. LeeA. Moron


    Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

  • 2012

Early diagnosis of FGR is very important, because it permits the etiological identification and adequate monitoring of fetal vitality, minimizing the risks related to prematurity and intrauterine hypoxia.

  • 116
HIV and pregnancy : screening and management update


  • 2009

This bibliography is compiled by clinicians from the journals listed at the end of this publication and contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases.

21 References

Fetal cardiac troponin I in relation to intrapartum events and umbilical artery pH.
    F. McauliffeK. MearsS. FlemingH. GrimesJ. Morrison


    American journal of perinatology

  • 2004

Fetal cardiac troponin I shows little variation at birth and increased levels of cardiac trop onin I are associated with a lower umbilical artery pH, which is related to intrapartum events and umbilicals artery pH.

  • 27
Cardiac troponin I, cardiac troponin T and creatine kinase MB concentrations in umbilical cord blood of healthy term neonates
    D. TrevisanutoM. PittonS. AltinierM. ZaninottoM. PlebaniV. Zanardo


    Acta paediatrica

  • 2003

The relationship between maternal and neonatal troponin values at birth is investigated and the results show no change in the levels of cTnT or T in healthy term neonates or mothers of healthy term infants at birth.

  • 53
  • Highly Influential
Cardiac troponin T in cord blood
    S. ClarkP. NewlandC. YoxallN. Subhedar


    Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and…

  • 2001

Infants with respiratory distress had significantly higher cord cardiac troponin T levels, suggesting that cardiac trop onin T may be a useful marker for myocardial damage in neonates.

  • 83
  • PDF
Association of severe placental insufficiency and systemic venous pressure rise in the fetus with increased neonatal cardiac troponin T levels.
    K. MäkikallioO. VuolteenahoP. JouppilaJ. Räsänen


    American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

  • 2000

OBJECTIVEThe aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that severe placental insufficiency and a rise in fetal systemic venous pressure are associated with fetal myocardial cell damage, which in

  • 74
Ultrasonographic and Biochemical Markers of Human Fetal Cardiac Dysfunction in Placental Insufficiency
    K. MäkikallioO. VuolteenahoP. JouppilaJ. Räsänen



  • 2002
  • 149
  • PDF
Cord Blood Cardiac Troponin I as an Early Predictor of Short-Term Outcome in Perinatal Hypoxia
    G. TürkerK. BabaoğluA. GökalpN. SarperE. ZenginA. Arısoy



  • 2004

It is suggested that significant elevation of cord cTnI is an excellent early predictor of severity of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and mortality in term infants.

  • 61
  • PDF
Reference values for cardiac troponins T and I in healthy neonates.
    H. BaumAnika HinzeP. BartelsD. Neumeier


    Clinical biochemistry

  • 2004
  • 59
Asphyxia at Birth as Determined by Cord Blood pH Measurements in Preterm and Term Gestations: Correlation With Neonatal Outcome
    A. VintzileosJ. Egan D. McLean


  • 1992

It was found that acidemic infants had a significantly higher frequency of neonatal complications as compared to nonacidemic infants.

  • 37
  • Highly Influential
The relationship between the umbilical artery systolic/diastolic ratio and umbilical blood gas measurements in specimens obtained by cordocentesis.
    C. Weiner


    American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

  • 1990
  • 95
Diagnostic and prognostic role of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) measured on the DPC Immulite.
    P. CollinsonD. Gaze A. Lahiri


    Clinical biochemistry

  • 2006
  • 11
  • Highly Influential



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    Cord blood cardiac troponin I, fetal Doppler velocimetry, and acid base status at birth. | Semantic Scholar (2025)


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