Hitman Sammelthread (Elusive Target mit Van Damme ab 12.12.) (2025)

naja, man sollte nicht alle über einen Kamm scheren, sind halt einige enttäuschte Fans dabei (z.B. warum Savegame Import von Steam zu Epic damals ging, aber jetzt kein Epic zu Steam), die das Spiel trotz hohen Preis und späten Release spielen wollen. Die machen ihren unmut halt Luft, genau für sowas sind Bewertungen da und heutzutage leider auch eine der wenigen Kanäle, die der Publisher beobachtet (und ihm weh tut), ist halt legitim.

Viele der Reviews sehen so aus:

"It kinda bothers me to leave a negative review for one of my favorite game series of all time, but IOI really botched this release. I've already got the trilogy on playstation and absolutely loved it. I bought it again for pc to play in VR and holy hell, it isn't good. I'm doing my best to make the most of it, but it ain't easy.

If you're buying this to play the standard version of this game, then it is pretty good. Honestly, this trilogy of games is the best Hitman content there is. The open levels, the freedom it allows, the crazy game moments you get to create, it's all fantastic. But I bought this to play it in VR, and if you are looking to do the same, you should definitely wait.

As a VR game, this is the jankiest game I have ever played. I've played indie games developed by a single person that are leagues ahead of this. There is so much wrong with it, it is hard to even begin. When I first started the game, I had to go back to the desktop to tell it I wanted to play it in VR. Then I sat staring at the intro screen while it told me to press "enter"; a key I don't have in VR. I finally realized that the game was minimized and apparently didn't recognize the VR controls, so I went to the desktop again to fix that. Haven't even started the game yet, and I had to leave it twice just to get to the menu. Also, the menu screen was off-center so I was tilting my head up 45 degrees to even see it. I finally make it into the training mission so I can figure out how it all works in VR, and it just got jankier from there.

You cannot physically move from your starting spot, as the character model does not follow you. You cannot physically crouch, as the game will think you're just going out of bounds. If my hands are in my view when I try to sprint, everything jitters. I figured this all out before even moving ten feet from the starting position. I go along with the tutorial, and it wants me to strangle a worker unconscious and steal his clothes. I grab him as I'm instructed, and his torso contorts wildly and glitches all over the place. He collapses, then just floats away like a balloon. It was kind of hilarious, but I wasn't expecting to see new bugs like this introduced into the game. Anytime I try to choke someone unconscious or use the garrote wire, they turn into balloon people and float away. OK then, I figure I'll hit my next target with the crowbar to knock him out. Nope. For some reason, it takes five or more hits to the head with a crowbar to take someone down, all the while they call out for help, pull out a gun, and shoot me. Throwing the crowbar does work, once you can figure out the unintuitive throwing mechanics. Think you can just aim and throw an object like literally any other VR game? Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. So finally, I just resorted to punching, which is the only (mostly) reliable way of taking out quietly. But don't punch too fast, or the game won't track your hands and your fists go through the person. Too slow and you'll just annoy them. Once you get the speed just right, sometimes you'll knock them out with one hit, but most likely, you will be awkwardly punching the back of some dude's head until he collapses.

Shooting firearms isn't much better. With a two handed weapon like a rifle, your left hand does nothing, and it just snaps to the front of the weapon when your hand is next to it. It does not actually stabilize the gun. You do not manually reload the guns, you push the reload button and it plays an animation (that should be a crime in a VR game). The pistols work alright, but you can't use two hands with it, and there's a delay between when the trigger is fully pulled and when it shoots, which is really awkward. Sometimes, items like the rifles become impossible to use as once I pick it up, it becomes frozen in place and there's nothing I can do about it. Once that happens, I just have to drop the item and forget about it.

You only have one holster for all items, positioned directly in the middle of your chest. If you move around a little too much, it gets lost and you will need to recenter the camera to find it. Your left hand doesn't can't actually do anything. You can't pick up anything with it or interact with any object, it is only used for aiming throwables and punching.

Well this rant has gone on for awhile, but I've encountered all of this before even putting 4 hours in the game, and it cost me $100, and I already own it on another system. And even if you disregard all the jank, I cannot possible understand how they decided to packaged these games. Go scroll up to the buy options. Look at the ridiculous amount of ways IOI is selling this. Gold editions, premium editions, add on packs, DLC. If I need a flow chart to understand what it is you're selling, it's too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ complicated. And why the hell are the standard levels considered DLC? It's just the normal game. Why would anyone want to buy the levels individually? You have 3 games here IOI, just sell three games. It shouldn't be this complicated.

I know that was a lot of negative, but I do think they can fix a lot of these issues over time, and I genuinely love the Hitman trilogy. And even with just the standard edition, it is a LOT of content. I'm doing what I can to overcome the control hurdles, because the controls really do not translate well to VR. But I am having some fun with it. It's quite fun to screw with random NPC's in VR, and the amount of detail in each level is just amazing. Now that I'm seeing it in VR, I can really notice a lot more of the levels, and it is impressive. Long story short, if you're buying this to play it in VR, just don't. Save your money and wait until they fix these glaring issues, if they ever do. I'm going to keep it because I do have faith that the studio will fix it, but it is absurd that they released it like this."

"Hitman 3 Standard Edition - $60
Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition (some DLC suits and escalation contracts) - $90
Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition + 7 Deadly Sins DLC pack - $120
Hitman Trilogy Standard Edition - $100
Hitman Trilogy + Trilogy Premium Add-On Bundle (DLC content from Hitman 1 + 2 and 3's Deluxe Edition) - $160
Hitman Trilogy + Trilogy Premium Add-On Bundle + 7 Deadly Sins DLC pack (all existing content at time of writing) - $190
(without looking at regional pricing, which is likely worse)

Hitman is one of my favorite franchises and the new trilogy is a perfect successor to Silent Assassin, Contracts and Blood Money, but this pricing model is embarrassing. If Io Interactive wants to charge the price of a full new release (or four new releases) for a title that had come out a year ago on a different storefront, that's their prerogative. In the meantime, prospective customers still need to consult a flow chart to determine what they're getting with which purchase, deal with server issues for a single-player game that has no business requiring a continuous online connection and contend with a needlessly roundabout progression carryover process that could have easily been substituted by importing a local save file from Hitman 1/2.

Io Interactive's game developers deserve props for delivering a dense, polished stealth sandbox. Regrettably, their publishing branch also deserves all the flak they get for extorting their fanbase like this. I recommend a purchase only on sale or after a price drop. Alternatively, play it on GamePass.

EDIT: had to revise "complete" package price because I had overlooked that the Trilogy Premium Add-On Bundle also includes the Deluxe Edition of Hitman 3. Hitman 2 Gold Bundle and Hitman 1 GOTY Edition is advised for the people that missed only one of those two games. Apologies to anyone affected."

oder weil IOI den Kauf auch nur unnötig kompliziert macht:

"How to buy the game (Yes I kid you not you need help with this)

Standard Edition: For those who just want to play Hitman 3 and those who already own 1 and 2

Deluxe Edition: Same as standard but with the 'Deluxe Pack' at a £5 discount compared to if you bought it separately (Apparently the deluxe pack is not worth it according to my friend who bought it on Epic Games at a lower price)

HITMAN Trilogy: If you DON'T own any of the Hitman games and want to play them all on one place, despite being the most expensive one this is not a complete package and does not include the 'Deluxe Pack'

Seven Deadly Sins: All of the Year 1 DLC for the game (Apparently the price has been raised and discounted to make it seem like a better deal)

Hitman 2 Gold Access Pass: Essentially the content from the Hitman 2 Gold edition but in Hitman 3, do not buy this if you already own Hitman 2. This is so overpriced as well, This does not include the game itself so if you want to play all of the 1 and 2 content get the Trilogy pack or buy the games separate and link your account to get them.

How to link your account if you own Hitman 1 or Hitman 2:
If you go to profile.hitman.com you can link your IOI account to transfer your progress AND LOCATIONS to Hitman 3 so you don't need to grind or re-purchase levels you already own. This isn't explained well enough before buying editions of the game.

I accidentally bought the wrong version (Trilogy) despite owning everything in 1 and 2 so had to refund the game and buy the standard edition. I don't want anyone else going through the pain of realising they bought the wrong edition and being unable to play for a few hours or so whilst their refund goes through.

If you don't care enough about steam you can play the trilogy on gamepass or buy it for cheap on epic games.

Hope this helps : ) If you could mark this as helpful that would be appreciated so other people don't get done over."

und sowas ist auch vollkommen legitim und fällt für mich nicht unters review bombing.

Rirre und King Animal gefällt das.

Hitman Sammelthread (Elusive Target mit Van Damme ab 12.12.) (2025)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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